quadrature formula

n.  求积公式



  1. Computation of the Coefficients of Rational Lobatto Quadrature Formula
  2. Some Classes of homogeneous ordinary differential equations are introduced. The integrity and quadrature formula are obtained with the method of exchanging position or substitution of variables. Thus their application range is widened.
  3. Optimal foam formula has been selected by quadrature experimental design method, and sensitive evaluation of the formula has been carried out;
  4. Then, using the second-order central difference to discretize the time derivative of the displacement, and applying the quadrature formula to the mass matrix, a fully discrete lumped mass Morley element method is developed for the same problem.
  5. On quadrature formula of gauss 'type on r~ n
  6. The least square polynomial Q n ( x) is introduced, and an interpolation polynomial for function is made with its zeros as nodes, and a kind of quadrature formula for singular integrals is obtained. The Gauss type quadrature formula is its special form.
  7. Application of the Generalized Difference Quotient Function in the Quadrature Formula of the Higher Order Singular Integral
  8. In this aper, a kind of quadrature formulas are constructed by using the Euler Maclaurin summation formula.
  9. The problem of quadrature formula, normalization, symmetrization and peak spreading correction for experimental GPC chromatograms after partial smoothing or fitting a curve is discussed.
  10. Therefore the generalized numerical quadrature formula with the single node is deduced naturally.
  11. Error margin of Cotes quadrature formula
  12. On the Convergence of a Quadrature Formula for Cauchy Principal Value Integrals
  13. In this paper, the obvious form of Romberg's quadrature formula and the error equation is presented.
  14. On rational Gauss-Lobatto quadrature formula
  15. The authors give a new quadrature formula and error estimates for numerical integration of functions in E~ α_s ( c) over the unit cube in s dimensions.
  16. Quadrature formulas for singular integrals with Hilbert kernel in multiple nodes are established by the method of seperation of singularities and the remainder of each quadrature formula is given in terms of contour integral.
  17. The best quadrature formula and its errors based on the given information with a weight function for Sobolev class KW~ r are given.
  18. A New Proof of the Classical Simpson Quadrature Formula
  19. We introduced a new and simple proof of the classical SIMPSON quadrature formula which is frequently applied in calculating definite integrals and best estimation of error is obtained.
  20. A Property of Gauss Quadrature Formula
  21. The Existence of Generalized Birkhoff Quadrature Formula
  22. Gauss-Laguerre Quadrature Formula with Coincident Knots
  23. Best quadrature formula for the class KW~ 2_x, which is the subclass of KW~ 2 consisting of all the functions whose derivatives vanish at the fixed nodes is presented.
  24. There are no conductions about the obvious form and the error equation of Romberg's quadrature formula in present literatures.
  25. By using the Gauss-Chebyshev quadrature formula, the approximate numerical solutions are obtained.
  26. The fourth part will be the second and third part of the quadrature formula range complex in order to improve their accuracy and reduce errors.
  27. Part II and Part III in a dimensional space, based on two dimensional space at the basic unit-Triangular and rectangular fields, the idea of incremental progress in trying to construct quadrature formula, the formula of the construction process and led to all the thinking.